Carmel of Bayonne

carmel bayonne


The History of our Monastery

Situated not far from the Spanish frontier, in Basque territory, the Carmelite monastery of Bayonne was part of the impetus that saw the reformed Carmelite Order spread throughout France and beyond from the beginning of the XVIth century. The monastery is situated right in the centre of the town.

From Paris to Bayonne : after the reform of the Carmelite Order by St Teresa of Avila, six Spanish Carmelites came to Paris in 1604, to found the first convent of the reform. During the two centuries which followed, foundations multiplied throughout all of France. In 1858, the Bishop of Bayonne asked nine sisters from the Carmels of Oloron and Pau to come and found here in Bayonne, in the centre of the town.

In 1870, a small group of religious from Pau and Bayonne founded the Carmel in Mangalore in India.

The monastery today

The Carmelite sisters have the joy of living in this small “dovecot” (monastery). Hey carry in their prayer all the intentions of the Church and the world.
They live by the fruit of their hands and the sale of monastic products.

Special features of our monastery

The Carmel of Bayonne produces patisseries, varied biscuits, and SCOFA (a delicious patisserie), speciality of several Carmelite monasteries, but also has a card making studio which sells its products to other monasteries or on line.