Abbey of Saint Scholastica in Dourgne

Abbaye Sainte Scholastique de Dourgne


The History of Our Monastery

The Abbey of Saint Scholastica in Dourgne was founded following a call from God  to Marie Cronier. Whilst she was a boarder at the Benedictine convent of Jouarre she met Dom Romain Banquet, a monk at La Pierre-qui-Vire. On the 29th of January 1883 Marie understood that God wished her to found a new Benedictine community.
“Go forth from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.
Build me a spiritual dwelling place”.
The founding was twofold with both monks and nuns according to the ancient rule of Benedict and Scholastica. They were to become the Benedictine Monastery of En Calcat and the Abbey of Saint Scholastica in Dourgne. The building of the future Abbey of Dourgne started in 1890 and in 1896 the monastery was established as an Abbey.

The Monastery today

A community of some fifty nuns lives there. Deeply rooted in the Church, their vocation is to be at the service of Christ and men in this world. Liturgical prayer marks the rhythm of their daily life. The day is spent in prayer, lectio divina, study, manual work and communal activities.
All guests are welcomed like Christ in accordance with the Rule of St Benedict. They will find guest quarters and a place to meditate in quiet surroundings.
The nuns live by the work of their hands : making albs, bookbinding, ceramics, Christmas cribs, statues, bas reliefs, providing services and by the sale of the products in their monastic shop.

Some special features of our monastery

Our history has been marked by the closeness of two communities : the Benedictine monks of En Calcat and the nuns of St Scholastica of Dourgne.

À l’abbaye bénédictine Sainte Scholastique de Dourgne : Un temps pour Dieu : pendant 3 semaines, 3 mois, 6 mois, partager le quotidien et déposer sa vie devant le Seigneur… – voir les News.