Abbey Notre-Dame de Jouarre



The History of Our Monastery

Founded about 635, the Abbey Notre-Dame de Jouarre has known many trials and tribulations due to invasions, exodus and exiles.  Dispersed in 1797 the community was able to reconstruct a part of their buildings and find a life of prayer, work and fraternity in 1837.
This long history is for us the sign of the faithfulness to God through darkness, adversity and rebirths.
Member of the Federation of Cœur Immaculée de Marie, the Jouarre’s community has woven bonds of friendship particularly with the Abbeys of Chantelle, La Rochelle,  Maumont, Poitiers, Pradines, and, in Africa, Bouake (Côte d’Ivoire) and Friguiagbe (Guinea).

The Monastery today

Today the community numbers about forty sisters, searching God to the rhythm suggested by Saint Benoît : communal prayers, readings, solitary prayer, work, services, welcoming visitors,  building a life of fraternity, touchstone of our wish to love and follow the Christ.
The principal handicraft activity is pottery: cribs, statuettes.
The hostelry welcomes people who desire a spiritual retreat, alone or in group, those looking for God and students.
Hosts and short time visitors are invited to see the Merovingian crypt and the roman tower where the history and actual life of the monastery are shown.

Some special features of our monastery

Implanted in the Church “which is in Ile de France”, the community has heart for the desire to the diocesan life and the spiritual expectations of our contemporaries.



  • Federation : Notre Dame de la Rencontre
  • Diocese : Meaux
  • Ecclesiastical province : Paris

Contact our monastery

Abbaye Notre-Dame

6 rue Montmorin
77 640 JOUARRE