The first monastery of St Clare in Nice was founded in 1607 at the request of its inhabitants. The Poor Clares remained on the Castle Hill until their dispersion in 1793. Mother Elisabeth of Calvary, Poor Clare of Perigueux, after having founded a community in Paray le Monial, Jerusalem, Nazareth and Nimes , set up a new community in Menton in 1892 that came back to Nice on the Hill of Cimiez in 1924. The Sisters of Nice then, founded a monastery in Monfavet (Vaucluse, France) in 1941 and in Antsirabé (Madagascar) in 1968. The chapel of our monastery is dedicated to St Colette, reformer of our order who made her profession in Nice on 14 October 1406 in the hands of Pope Benoit XIII. There are fifteen sisters in the community and several countries are represented – France, of course but also Switzerland, Philippines, Vietnam and Madagascar. The sisters try to live out the ideal of the Holy Gospels proposed by St Clare : « In Our Lord Jesus Christ, I urge all my sisters to imitate at all times, the holy, humble and poor way of living » (St Clare’s, Testament, 17). Hospitality (which is also our means of living) in Franciscan simplicity. Sharing is an essential part of our work. Lauds : 8.00 a.m (weekdays) 7.30 a.m (on Sundays) Monastère Sainte-ClaireThe history of our monastery
The monastery today
Special features of our monastery
To pray with us :
Eucharist : 8.30 a.m ( weekdays ) 9.00 a.m ( on Sundays)
Vespers : 5.30 p.m.
(more details on our website).
Contact our monastery
30 avenue sainte Colette
06 100 NICE
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Monastery St Clare in Nice