In September 1973, Cardinal Marty requested that contemplative religious “make available to the faithful educators in prayer and visible and accessible places of prayer”. In response to this request, 3 Poor Clare sisters from the monastery of Nazareth in Israël came to France in 1975. Mgr Collin, the Bishop of Digne (and at that moment the Bishop responsible for liaising with the Service des Moniales) proposed that we settle in his diocese. Like St Francis of Assisi, we chose to repair a small 5th century Priory, formerly belonging to the monks of Lérins, at Riez la Romaine, on the hill of St Maxime. This place belongs to the commune. We are currently four sisters living on the hill of St Maxime, with a view to making actual for today the form of life established by St Clare. Our Fraternity is rooted : We draw strength from our relations with the other small communities of Poor Clares, with the sisters from the region of Provence Alpes Côte-d’Azur, and the Federation, and the varied continued formation that is offered inside and outside the monastery. The Fraternity of St Clare at Riez is situated in a tourist region, with a GR (Grande Randonnée – long distance walk) passing nearby and a spa resort. Fraternité Sainte ClaireThe History of our Monastery
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Colline Saint-Maxime
04 500 RIEZ
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Fraternity of St Clare at Riez