Monastery of The Visitation at Annecy
Des pèlerins du monde entier viennent au Monastère de la Visitation à Annecy sur les pas de St François...
Carmel of the Reposoir
The Carmel of the Reposoir today houses 18 Carmelites whose vocation is essentially ecclesial and apostolic.
Carmel of Notre-Dame de Surieu at St-Romain-de-Surieu
Life in the carmel of Notre-Dame de Surieu at St-Romain-de-Surieu is the life of a campaign carmel marked by...
Carmel of Yzeron
The Carmel of Yzeron began in a former hotel called "Beautiful Sight", a name well suited to its magnificent...
Abbey of Pradines at Régny
Our Abbey of Pradines at Régny was founded in the nineteenth century by Thérèse de Bavoz, a nun of...
Monastery St Clare in Montbrison
At the heart of our lives, we have placed the unceasing praise of God Almighty but we are also...
Monastery St Clare in Vals-les-Bains
Le Monastère Sainte-Claire à Vals-les-Bains compte huit sœurs : trois françaises, une malgache, deux philippines et deux de Tahiti.
Monastery of Poor Clairs at Voreppe
The community of the monastery of the Poor Clares in Voreppe has ten sisters, it is present in the...
Monastery of La Clarté Notre-Dame at Taulignan
Bathed in the light of the Drôme Provencal, amidst the vines and the lavender, at the foot of the...
Redemptoristines Monastery at Saint-Restitut
We wish that our welcome and the sharing of our prayer life will do good to our guests, men...
Monastery of The Visitation at Voiron
The Visitation convent of Notre Dame du May, part of the Order of the Visitation nuns, was planted in...