Abbey of Saint-Louis du Temple at Vauhallan
In 1802, during her years of travelling due to the French Revolution, our founding mother, Mother Marie-Joseph de la...
Abbaye of Notre-Dame at Wisques
The first nuns arrived at Wisques in 1889. First daughter house of St Cecilia’s, Solesmes, which had been founded...
Monastery of Carthusian sisters in Reillanne
Following St Bruno, the monastery of Carthusian sisters in Reillanne is trying to continue the prayer of Jesus in...
Abbey of Notre-Dame du Val d’Igny at Arcis
It was in 1128 that St Bernard de Clairvaux sent some monks to found the monastery of Igny 30...
Abbey Notre-Dame of Baumgarten
In 1125, Cunon, the bishop of Strasbourg had an abbey built at Baumgarten. Twenty three years later the abbey...
Abbey Notre-Dame de Bon-Secours at Blauvac
Notre vie, tissée par l’office divin, la lectio divina et le travail en commun, est simple et fraternelle. Le...
Abbey La Joie Notre-Dame at Campénéac
Founded in 1921 at Sainte Anne d’Auray by the Abbey of La Coudre at Laval, our community moved to...
Abbey Notre-Dame de Bonne-Espérance at Echourgnac
Our community was founded at Espira-de l’Agly in the eastern Pyrenees in 1852. This community was exiled in 1905...
Monastery St Clare in Sartène
Notre communauté est interculturelle avec des Sœurs en provenance d’Asie et d’Afrique. L’accueil se fait généralement en français, mais...
Monastery of Capuchin Poor Clares at Chamalières
The chapel is open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. and all those who wish can join our Church...
Monastery St Clare in Cormontreuil
We are about 25 sisters, of different ages, coming from France or Belgium. Our last foundations (in Ivory Coast,...
Monasteries of France
Website of the nuns of France > Monasteries of France