Our monastery was founded in Gagny, close to Paris in 1893. During French Revolution, the community expatriate itself in Namur, Belgium. Today, given the size of the buildings and the impossibility to upgrade them to the new european norms, as well as given the decrease of vocations, the community joined the congregation of the Sister du Très Saint Sauveur Monastère des RédemptoristinesThe history of our monastery
In 1932, about thirty nuns, came back to establish themselves in Alsace in Landser, in a former capuchins convent from 1659. Real estate later purchased by the redemptoristes in 1845.
The later sold the convent to their sisters upon return from exil. They stayed there until 2012, with an interruption between 1939 and 1945The monastery today
We occupy the third floor of their mother house, still remaining in our monastic environment .
We share some liturgical celebrations, and benefit from their material coverage.
In the redemptoristines monastery at Oberbronn, we are twelve valid sisters plus one handicapped sister.More information
Contact our monastery
2, rue Principale
Redemptoristines Monastery at Oberbronn