Apostolic Constitution on women's contemplative life

“Seeking the face of God” - Vultum Dei quaerere

Actualités, l'Eglise et la vie monastique

Rome, on 29 june 2016, the Pope Francis signs for us the constitution on women’s contemplative life : Vultum dei quaerere “Seeking the face of God”.

VaticanRead the Apostolic Constitution (39 pages).

Our monastic vocation, in the hearth of the Church and the world, say one existence day after day, totally dedicated to the unending and indefatigable seeking of the face of God, in the singular style which is prophecy and life.

This monastic life is rooted in the silence of the cloister ; it produces a rich harvest of grace and mercy ! How great is the joy and prophecy proclaimed to the world by their silence !

The great challenge faced by consecrated person to persevere in seeking God “with the eyes of faith in a world which ignores His presence”.

Through twelve aspects, each community, “true school of prayer… signpost pointing to a journey” is called to inspect “its pilgrimage of seeking the true God”.

A single look on twelve facets…

Church, Monasticism, Culture